RI-Consulting Law Office and advocates, managing partners Roman Voronin and Elena Gladysheva were noted in the sixth annual ranking of the key projects of the year in the field of "Economic criminal cases" published by Kommersant. The Publishing House has selected the disputes that, according to the editors, deserve the most attention in 2022.
Virtually every dispute presented in the study is an exciting battle between the best teams of lawyers on every side and at every stage of the process. At the same time, complex legal conflicts, as a rule, are multifaceted and some of them are interesting not only for the value of the financial assessment, but also mainly for the complexity of legal issues.
In 2022, the Bureau represented the interests of the Monte Cristallo Foundation with jurisdiction in Liechtenstein, the beneficiary of LaMax LLC, which is the owner of the land plot and the building of the shopping center operating under the Three Whales trademark, in an arbitration dispute and a criminal case initiated on the fact of the raider seizure of the building.
RI-consulting lawyers, through the joint efforts of two main practices (dispute resolution and criminal defense), have formed a litigation practice aimed at protecting against raider takeover in a dispute with nominal owners who were not related to the business of the principal.

On December 01 there was an award ceremony of PRAVO300, the first and most large-scale survey of the legal market in Russia. PRAVO300 ranking is aimed at increasing the transparency of the Russian legal services market. For 12 years it has been serving as a reference point for courts and customers...

Kommersant Publishing House publishes a study devoted to the changes in the legal services market during the active imposition of economic sanctions this year and recommends consultants in the most demanded areas of sanctions. RI-Consulting Law Office was noted in the most difficult area of...

Pravo.ru announces the results of the 2021 Litigation Market Survey. RI-Consulting was ranked in the 2nd Group for litigation in the Federal Survey, Companies with over 30 Cases. The Russian Ranking has not only summarized the results of the last year but also looked into the future of the law firms...